The StoryMaker program, its sample game, and all of its associated resources and text, are copyright 1997 to James Burton.
This program is shareware, so you may distribute this program freely, under the following conditions:
1. You distribute an unmodified version of StoryMaker only. That means that any copy of StoryMaker you distribute must include all of the following files:
A. The unregistered version of StoryMaker 1.0 must be included. You can get information about the difference between registered and unregistered versions in the "Registration Info" document that came with this program. In short, the registered version is the version which has had the registration code entered into it - this is for paying shareware customers only. The unregistered version, which is the only version you should have if you haven't paid your shareware fee, is the one that has a "registration" dialog box appear when you open up the program.
B. The unmodified sample game must also be included. The StoryMaker package must be distributed as just that - a package - not as the solitary program.
C. All text files associated with the game must also be included, in unmodified form. This includes this "Copyright Info" file, the "Registration Info" file, and the instructions files in the Instructions folder.
D. The registration program that comes with the unregistered version must also be included, in unmodified form.
2. Distribution to individuals, computer bulletin boards (BBS's), WWW and FTP sites, services like American Online, and archives like InfoMac is allowed and encouraged. However, you cannot put StoryMaker on a CD-ROM or other "shareware collection" for commercial purposes without the permission (e-mailed permission is fine) of the author. My e-mail address is <>.
3. You cannot charge money for the StoryMaker package, either in registered or unregistered form. The only exception to this rule is CD-ROMs and other "shareware collections", and then only with the permission of the author.
Please report any apparent violations of this copyright agreement to the author, James Burton, whose e-mail address is <>.
Any work that you create with StoryMaker is your own creative effort, and thus you hold the copyright on it, to do with it whatever you want. Just as the Adobe company would never claim a copyright on every picture made with PhotoShop (I assume), I make no claim over any of the games made with StoryMaker. You can give or sell copies of the games however you wish.
Note that there is a flip side to this agreement: I am not responsible for the performance or content of the games you make in StoryMaker. I do make every effort to make all my programs bug-free; however, in a program the size and complexity of StoryMaker (and me being only one person), it is impossible to test every possible scenario and every possible platform on which the games will run. If you discover a bug, please do e-mail me at <> with as much detail as possible, but please do note that I am not liable if your creation with StoryMaker has some sort of malfunction (and please note that I will be as eager to fix any such malfunction as you are). Similarly, I have no control over what you put into your games - so if you do fill your games with excessive violence or adult material (which the author does not recommend), you are the one responsible for that material. Exercise appropriate caution.
And remember, have fun! You can get a lot more Burton games (most of which are freeware) at <>.